Dr. Viktor Zólyomi, PhD

Welcome to my old website. This page hosts my PhD Thesis which can be downloaded in PDF format for free. For up-to-date information on my research activity please go to my Google Scholar page: https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?hl=en&user=C3WEpJ0AAAAJ&view_op=list_works

 PhD Thesis

My PhD thesis was written under the supervision of Professor Jenő Kürti at the Eötvös University:
PhD Thesis, English Summary, Hungarian Summary, English Thesis Booklet, and Hungarian Thesis Booklet.

 Not Science

If you stumbled upon this website while looking for Con City, the black comedy crime fiction universe in which I have written several novels and produced a few short films, featuring the likes of weird scientist and koala expert Professor van der Bishop, psychotic (retired?) hitman and film critic Mister Jake, and Manny the Bear who is still trying to find the honey in the tummies of his playmates at the behest of the nice people in white coats, then please go to http://www.concitypress.com